Alumni News

Science department trialling new education app developed by QE alumni that harnesses the power of AI


Alumni | Biology | Chemistry | Physics

Science department trialling new education app developed by QE alumni that harnesses the power of AI

Two Old Elizabethan medics are working with the School to trial an innovative education app that uses AI to support both pupils and their teachers. QE contemporaries Kavi Samra and...

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Farewell to a fantastic 450th anniversary year!


450th anniversary | Alumni | House system

Farewell to a fantastic 450th anniversary year!

Boys from Years 7 & 8 lined up in front of the School to bid a colourful goodbye to Queen Elizabeth’s School’s 450th anniversary year. With sixth-formers helping to ensure...

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Out now! QE’s special anniversary video, offering a “great memento of a fabulous year”


450th anniversary | Alumni

Out now! QE’s special anniversary video, offering a “great memento of a fabulous year”

With just a few days left until the end of Queen Elizabeth’s School’s 450th anniversary year, a special film published today provides an exciting whistlestop tour of the highlights of...

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Record numbers turn out for 450th anniversary Old Elizabethans Annual Reunion Dinner


450th anniversary | Alumni

Record numbers turn out for 450th anniversary Old Elizabethans Annual Reunion Dinner

Guests at this year’s QE alumni dinner enjoyed a new, more relaxed approach to the occasion, while also making the most of a few additional activities during the evening. Always...

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Boys’ mature response to film about assassination attempt on Hitler wins plaudits


Academic enrichment | Alumni | Support & guidance

Boys’ mature response to film about assassination attempt on Hitler wins plaudits

QE boys were the first-ever under-18s to watch producer Ilana Metzger’s film about her father, a Holocaust survivor who once attempted to assassinate Adolf Hitler. And she was so impressed...

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Making history: A-level winners excel in Queen Elizabeth School’s 450th anniversary year


450th anniversary | Alumni | School performance

Making history: A-level winners excel in Queen Elizabeth School’s 450th anniversary year

As A-level grading returns to pre-pandemic standards this year, QE is celebrating “brilliant” results that cement the School’s place in the very top echelons of the country’s academic schools –...

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Entrepreneur Arian passes on lessons from Silicon Valley


Academic enrichment | Alumni | Careers | STEM

Entrepreneur Arian passes on lessons from Silicon Valley

3D printing entrepreneur Arian Aghababaie, co-founder of California-based Holo, shared insights into the latest developments in additive manufacturing and gave advice on engineering careers when he led two inspirational events...

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Formal but fun: saying farewell to QE’s leavers


450th anniversary | Alumni | House system | Music

Formal but fun: saying farewell to QE’s leavers

QE’s Valediction event for the Class of 2023 saw the 450th anniversary year cohort gather with their parents for an afternoon celebration. There were prizes for some, while the contribution...

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Making history at the 450th anniversary year Founder’s Day


450th anniversary | Alumni | FQE | Outreach

Making history at the 450th anniversary year Founder’s Day

Past, present and future came together to make Founder’s Day in Queen Elizabeth’s School’s 450th anniversary year an unforgettable occasion. Always a highlight of the School calendar, Founder’s Day this...

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Rising fives: QE nominated for Team of the Year award


Alumni | Sport

Rising fives: QE nominated for Team of the Year award

The recent rise of Eton Fives at Queen Elizabeth’s School has now been recognised with a nomination for the Team of the Year award from the sport’s governing body. Having...

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If I were you…getting the inside track on university life


Alumni | Careers

If I were you…getting the inside track on university life

Large numbers of last year’s leavers returned to QE to support current pupils at the School’s University Convention. Organised as part of the QE’s extensive programme to support boys preparing...

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Anniversary to the fore at 56th Annual Elizabethan Union Dinner Debate


450th anniversary | Academic enrichment | Alumni | Debating & public speaking

Anniversary to the fore at 56th Annual Elizabethan Union Dinner Debate

With the QE 450th anniversary celebrations at the forefront of everyone’s mind, the subject chosen for this year’s Dinner Debate was especially apt. Sixth-formers gathered to take on the visiting...

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