Many from within the Elizabethan community served with distinction during the First World War, including the 48 who lost their lives.

The following is a list of the fallen during the First World War. Their service and their sacrifice is commemorated on the School’s war memorial in the crush hall. The School also purchased a ceramic poppy for each of them from the Tower of London display which marked the centenary of the outbreak of war.

E. T Alford A.H.M Lewis
H.G Bailey A.G Livermore
J. Barber A.W Lundie
E.H Beach A.M McReady Diamid
W. Bearman W.K.L Mansbridge
D.H Bennett W.H Nunneley
D.W Bothwell L.A Robinson
L.H Brewerton J.F Rourke
E.S Bridges N. Rowley
I.J. Challis A.L Smith
L.O Chapman F.E Sparkes
H.R.E Clark E.H Storey
A.S Cook W.H Wall
A.R Creese R.D Weight
F.E.F Crisp W.W Weston
D.E Cruickshank S.P Whittard
J.L Cuffe A.D Wilkinson
S.F Dennison E.V Williams
J.W Enerby C.H Wreford
J.A Field L.W Wreford
W.P Friend W.H Wreford
F. Hickman A.R Woods
G.M Ingmire E.J Yells
C.E Large F.H Yolland


A number of Old Elizabethans, including some of those killed, were honoured for their service.

A. McReady Diarmid VC
J.V Bates MC
S.G Beazley MC & Bar
F.C Bishop MC
R.F Bryant OBE
H.P Eames MC
O. Hackforth-Jones MC
E.B Hart MC
C. Hayward MC
F.H Isaac DFC
W.H Nunneley MC
C.H Pank DSO
D.C Robinson MC
H.W Skinner DFC
H. Smith MC
B.W Stirling MC & Bar
J.H.S Sykes MC
W.P Wilton MC
A.F Woodgate MM