Physical Education (PE)
We aim to cater for all abilities and offer a programme that supports pupil progress from the foundational basics all the way through to élite level.
Fundamental movement skills are taught during Years 7–9. Alongside this, we seek to develop communication skills and, through team and individual sports, to nurture leadership and resilience.
Competition is important: through Games lessons as well as extra-curricular activities, QE boys are exposed to many opportunities to test themselves against others, including intra-school and inter-school competitions. Technology is used in PE to promote peer and self-assessment and to track and measure progress.
Our ambition is to empower the pupils in our charge with the confidence to succeed once they leave the School. They, therefore, develop the ability to reflect, to challenge and to plan for a lifelong participation in sport and physical activity
Boys are encouraged to explore and further develop their sporting abilities at QE through a wide array of extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities.
The School participates in national, regional and county sporting competitions in sports including: athletics; basketball; cricket; cross-country; Eton Fives; fencing; rugby; swimming; tennis and water-polo.
There are tours for more senior pupils, such as the annual Year 9 Holland rugby tour and the biennial Sri Lanka rugby & cricket tour, while younger boys enjoy trips to the Lord’s test match and to Twickenham for the Varsity Match. Every February half-term, we also run a skiing trip.
There are QE sports clubs for fitness & weights, beginners’ swimming, water polo, volleyball, athletics, table tennis and tennis. In addition, we maintain links to local athletics, rugby, cricket, water-polo and tennis clubs.
Old Elizabethans: Sporting great
Tom Aggar made history in 2008 when he was crowned the first-ever arms-shoulders men’s single scull Paralympic champion in the Beijing Paralympics, a year after making his debut in the GB para-rowing squad.
When Tom (OE 1995-2002) returned to the Paralympics podium eight years later with a bronze at Rio 2016, he was the four-times World Champion, his place as one of the sport’s greats already assured.
Tom, who was a talented rugby player, left QE to read Biological Sciences at Warwick, where he took a first. He started rowing as part of the rehabilitation programme he undertook after an non-sports-related accident in 2005 that left him paralysed. He has subsequently gained an MSc in Sport Health and Exercise Science at Brunel University.

Old Elizabethans: Mind and matter: sports psychologist forges international reputation
Academic Mustafa Sarkar is building a reputation as one of the world’s leading sports psychologists. A Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Psychology at Nottingham Trent University, he has won a string of accolades, including the Association for Applied Sport Psychology’s 2016 Doctoral Dissertation Award, presented to him in Phoenix, Arizona, in front of more than 1,000 delegates.
Mustafa (OE 1997-2004), graduated with first-class honours in Sport and Exercise Science from Loughborough University and went on to complete a Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology (with distinction) from Middlesex University. He returned to Loughborough, where he completed a Master’s degree and then his PHd.

Director of Sport: Mr Jon Hart
After leaving Millfield School, Mr Hart studied at the universities of Loughborough and Cardiff. He has a background in personal training and sport development.
He joined QE in 2009, in his Graduate Teacher Programme year, and says: "I was very fortunate to complete my Master's in Leadership and Management through a programme that the School provided."
He celebrates the fact that physical activity and sport are for everyone, and says that at QE, the aim is to give the boys as many competitive experiences as possible. "PE here is so diverse: one day you could be teaching swimming or rugby and the next you may be at Shrewsbury for the Eton Fives National Championships."
The School offers more curriculum time to PE and Sport than many other schools; the positive effect it has on the boys can be clearly seen, helping to fulfil QE's commitment to make them more rounded individuals.
Because of the diverse programme on offer at QE, Mr Hart finds it impossible to name the aspect the sport he enjoys teaching most; in the winter, he loves coaching rugby and water polo, and in summer, it’s cricket, athletics and tennis.
"I find it rewarding to see the boys at the School being successful in a different context (that is, outside the academic). I like seeing how these ambitious boys respond to competitive situations and how well they pull together in team situations. The commitment the boys show to the extra-curricular programme allows us to provide a vast and diverse calendar throughout the year."

Lower School pupil: future Olympian?
“I was a good swimmer even before I joined the School, but what I really like about PE is that I have been able to try different sports,” says William Fawcett. “I hadn’t experienced rugby before, but I am already in the School’s B team for my age. I like the team side of sport with my classmates and also learning about different ways we can keep our bodies fit and healthy.”
William is an enthusiastic member of the School’s Rugby, Water Polo and Élite Swimming clubs, and is busy most lunchtimes. “I want to be an Olympic swimmer; I know it won’t be easy, but if I work hard, I think it’s something I can achieve.”

Upper School pupil: pressing on to the goal
Danny Adey says he particularly enjoys the team aspect of PE. “Playing sport with my friends is very rewarding and I enjoy staying active. He has found that the School has been “thoroughly supportive” of his involvement in sports of all kinds. “The vast majority of my extra-curricular activities relate to sport. I compete for the School in rugby, water polo, athletics and cricket.”
Danny has found the staff keen to press him to improve. “They are as dedicated as we are and among the most supportive in the School. They are not afraid to let you know what you have done wrong, as well as congratulating you for things done well.”
With no definite career aspirations yet, Danny is, nonetheless, sure of one thing: sport will continue to be central to his life in the future.