While Drama lessons play an important part in teaching the necessary skills and in deepening boys’ appreciation of the text in hand, Drama is supremely about performance.

At Queen Elizabeth’s School, our calendar is populated with extra-curricular opportunities for boys to display and develop their talents in Drama, whether their gifts lie in appearances on stage, or in the many vital supporting roles behind the scenes.

In the Shakespeare Schools Festival towards the end of the  first term of the academic year, boys have the chance to deepen their knowledge of Shakespearean language as they get to grips with the  histories, comedies and tragedies of England’s greatest writer.

The School Play, which is staged close to the Easter holiday, brings the opportunity to explore the work of more recent playwrights and novelists in a full-length production, offering large numbers of opportunities for boys of all ages to get involved, both on and off the stage.

The inter-House Drama competition of the Summer Term brings boys’ creativity and teamwork to the fore – and adds a little competitive spice, too – as mixed-age teams compose, act and direct their own original works, battling it out before their peers to win QE’s thespian crown.

For QE’s senior actors who have demonstrated consistent commitment and accomplishment in Drama and have assisted in nurturing the skills and talents of younger boys, the School now awards Drama colours in the form of special ties.