The Queen’s Library
The Queen’s Library, named in memory of our Founder, Queen Elizabeth I, offers extensive facilities for independent study and provides boys with a host of enrichment opportunities.
The Queen’s Library is a modern and well-equipped resource for all members of the School community. We stock a wide and diverse range of fiction and non-fiction aimed at encouraging students to read for pleasure as well as furthering their academic interests. We have an up-to-date selection of online resources and ‘extended reading’ materials, which aims to broaden and deepen boys’ academic interests, challenging them to move beyond the syllabus. This is particularly useful for Sixth Form students preparing for university interviews.
The facility fosters independent study by providing a quiet environment in the heart of the School. Sixth-formers use the library throughout the School day, whilst at lunchtime it is popular with younger boys, who come to borrow books and read quietly. After School, the library is open to boys from all years for silent, independent study.
During the 2022-2023 academic year, boys borrowed some 15,000 books from The Queen’s Library.
Students are encouraged to get involved in extra-curricular activities such as: the Carnegie Award Shadowing Book Group; Year 7 and 8 Book Club; Reading Champions Quiz; and several book-related quizzes and activities.
Boys can also get directly involved in the Library by becoming a pupil librarian, library community volunteer or Duke of Edinburgh’s Award volunteer. The pupil team works closely with library staff, volunteering for lunchtime or after-school shifts on the circulation desk, assisting users, writing book reviews, creating displays and shelving books. They are given real responsibility and the opportunity to develop skills such as communication, customer service, and organisation.
Enjoying the benefits of being a pupil librarian
Shashank Pothuganti has been a pupil librarian since 2021 and has proved to be "a big asset to the library, demonstrating fantastic patience and organisational skill", says Head of Library Services Jenni Blackford. "He has grown in confidence and developed excellent leadership qualities since joining the team."
For his part, Shashank says: “Being a pupil librarian has been extremely enjoyable for me, as I get to work with others, sometimes teaching them how to operate the devices or shelve books, which has helped me in my communication skills. I particularly enjoyed re-organising the History section, as it allowed me to be creative, while being critical of where books belong and improving my speed while updating books.
"I am confident that, in the future, being a librarian will have given me a lot of transferable skills I wouldn’t have had before. Having been exposed to so many books has allowed me to explore different fields, making me a better person.”

Head of Library Services: Mrs Jenni Blackford
Our Head of Library Services, Jenni Blackford, joined the School in 2021, to manage The Queen’s Library and as Curator of the School archives. Jenni studied Archaeology and Anthropology at Keble College, Oxford, before gaining an MA in Museum Studies at the University of Leicester, leading to a career in both libraries and heritage organisations. In 2014, Jenni worked with two co-directors to launch the first ever St Albans Literary Festival; she continues to advocate for reading for pleasure in her role as committee member for the CILIP Schools Library Group. Alongside her work in The Queen’s Library, Jenni takes care of the School archive (QE Collections), organising and digitising material for access by students, staff, OEs and the wider community.