Senior Leadership Team
The Headmaster and his senior colleagues drive the School’s further progress in order that it not only meets today’s challenges, but anticipates those of the future – whilst at all times preserving the traditional aspects of the School’s ethos which have enabled its enduring success.
The Senior Leadership Team is charged with the day to day running of the School, acting to ensure our boys receive the very best educational experience that we can deliver. They manage a staff of about 150 and are answerable to the Governing Body.
Alongside the Headmaster, who oversees all aspects of School life, there are three Deputy Heads who in turn have responsibility for the Academic, Operational and Pastoral life of the School. Assistant Heads for Pupil Involvement, Destinations and Progress help lead the implementation of the School’s development priorities. The Chief Financial Officer, Head of External Relations, and Head of Digital Teaching and Learning are associate members of the team.
The Senior Leadership Team is ably supported by Heads of Year (pastoral), Heads of Subject (academic) and other key personnel such as the School’s highly professional business support staff.

Building on Distinction
In 'Building on Distinction', our strategic plan covering the period 2021–2025, we set out our updated vision and priorities as Queen Elizabeth’s School presses onwards from its current place of national pre-eminence to an even more successful future.
The plan takes all that is best from QE’s illustrious past and from our stellar achievements of recent years and then synthesises a new vision suitable for the 2020s. We have re-cast our mission, thinking afresh about the attributes that the rising generation of Elizabethans will need, so that they can take up their places as leaders of the future, making their contribution to society in a globally connected world rich in opportunity and in challenges to be solved.
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