To achieve our educational aims of producing confident, able and responsible young men, to instill and develop free-thinking scholarship, and to set our boys up to be successful in life, as well as in their academic pursuits, having a broad and balanced curriculum is crucial.

On this page you will find details of our curriculum, the result of careful and ongoing planning and review across the School. Having adapted to the reformed A-level and GCSE courses, there has been particular focus on ensuring that the Lower School curriculum builds the solid and enduring foundations of strong subject knowledge and key study skills, whilst exciting and inspiring our young learners.

Along with the academic subjects, there are details of our Personal Development Time curriculum – a bespoke programme delivered by our pastoral staff throughout the School. This includes Relationships & Sex Education, as well as parts of the School’s careers programme, alongside many other relevant topics.

Our curriculum sits alongside the many and varied academic and extra-curricular enrichment activities on offer at the School, all of which are equally important to the QE experience.

A rounded education continues into the Sixth Form, where pupils participate in programmes such as the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), our own University Admissions Support Programme (USP), or community sports leadership awards, and are required to complete regular voluntary service – alongside three or four A-level courses.

Should parents or members of the public require further information about the curriculum, they can contact the School via