A successful exhibition has marked the completion of Greg White’s Master’s degree at Goldsmiths and he has now embarked on his professional career.
Having taken his undergraduate degree in Creative Music Technology at the University of East Anglia, Greg (OE 2004–2011) has been studying on Goldsmiths MA in Computational Arts.
For the course’s final exhibition, entitled Metasis, held in New Cross, London, this autumn, Greg continued his work on In C++, a software-driven installation based on minimalist composer Terry Riley’s seminal 1964 piece, In C. C++ is one of the programming languages taught on the Goldsmiths course. He also showed a new photography project centred around the brutalist architecture of London's Barbican Centre. His work was shown alongside his fellow students' pieces, which featured influences ranging from Tibetan calligraphy to quantum computing.
“I’m happy to say that the Goldsmiths exhibition went very well— there was lots of interest, great feedback, and happy faces,” said Greg. “Afterwards I was invited to the Barbican to give a short talk as part of their Interfaces Monthly event, which was all about sound art this month. I was very happy to do that as I love the Barbican!”
“I’m now officially finished with the Master’s and am moving on to freelance work doing sound for artists and installations. I am currently working with a photographer/visual artist from the Royal College of Art for some upcoming shows next year.”
While at QE, Greg was a drummer and percussionist who also played bass guitar. He performed with the Concert Band, the Big Band and the Symphony Orchestra, playing at concerts both in the UK and overseas.
He achieved A* grades in his Music Technology and Art & Design A-levels, an A in English and a B in Sociology.
At East Anglia, he was one of only eight students to be awarded one of the university’s Vice-Chancellor’s scholarships, given to those of ‘outstanding ability and potential’.