Niral makes his mark at Cambridge

Niral Malde has enjoyed a memorable final year at Cambridge, graduating with a prize-winning First and co-founding a university society that has amassed some 400 members.

After receiving the results of Niral’s finals in his Land Economy degree, the Master of St Catharine’s College, Professor Sir Mark Welland, wrote to congratulate him on his “outstanding examination performance”. Niral had been elected to a Robert Skerne (1661) Scholarship and had a lso won a College Prize, Sir Mark said. As a Scholar, he has been invited to the college’s Commemoration Dinner this term.

“St Catharine's has been great,” says Niral (OE 2007–2014). “It's a small college with everyone knowing each other, which makes it a friendly place to be.”

“Land Economy has provided me with a solid grounding in the fields of economics and law, and their interrelationships within the real estate and capital markets. The subject is very wide in scope:  papers include land law, capital markets, urban planning and real estate finance. Having enjoyed a module on Regional Economics in my second year, my third-year dissertation was an econometric analysis on whether the Brexit vote could be explained by the spatial inequality that exists in the UK.”

Niral, who is pictured at his graduation ceremony, co-founded the Cambridge University Venture Capital and Private Equity Society in his third year “to better inform students about the PE and VC space”. The society quickly flourished and now includes members from undergraduates to PhD students.

During his time at Cambridge, Niral also achieved success in the university’s Property Law Mooting Competition, while during his School years he won a Senior Award for Commitment and Service and was part of a Year 13 team that won a Cass Business School competition.