A QE Sixth-Former has picked up second prize in a prestigious nationwide literary competition. Mohammad Bhatti (pictured) was named runner-up in The John Salter Memorial Kipling Essay competition which focused on the poetry of Rudyard Kipling.
Mohammad’s prize was £100 for himself, £100 for the School and a year’s free membership of the Kipling Society. The judges were also impressed with Nikos Yerolemou’s entry and awarded him a consolation prize of a £20 book token along with a year’s free membership of the Kipling Society.
“I am very proud that two of our students caught the eye of the judges in this prestigious and challenging competition,” said Head of English, Susannah Sweetman. “As a department we have been promoting the School’s drive to encourage independent learning, which we feel is essential when aiming for academic and personal success.”
Mohammad received his prize from Sir John Chapple, the President of the Kipling Society.