A team of six pupils impressed leading local figures with an impassioned presentation about making peace with refugees.

They spoke at Hendon Town Hall for a ‘Peace One Day’ event. Peace One Day is an organisation which promotes 21st September as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence.

QE’s Head of Religion & Society, Jack Robertson, said: “They gave a number of stirring arguments for their position, dispelling many myths, and a number of people commended them on their excellent presentation.”

""Highlights included the statement: “For we are not a divided or a disunited kingdom, but a United Kingdom,” Mr Robertson added.

The boys’ audience included police officers, councillors and representatives of mental health providers. The team had the opportunity to question these people about the services they provide.

""The team, all from Year 11, comprised: Abbeykeith Kugasenan Chettiar (pictured above left), Zayn Riaz (above right), Abbas Adejonwo, Ravi Karia, Simon Rey and Sahil Shah.