Sixth-Former picks up prize in national competition
A Year 13 pupil has won second prize in a national essay-writing competition. David Alam was amongst 500 entrants to the 2011 Royal Economic Society Essay competition.
The participants were given a choice of topics, all with an economic theme. For his prize-winning essay, David chose to write about An NHS free at point of access is unsustainable in the 21st Century and an alternative funding model is needed.
“We are delighted for David as it is a significant achievement to be placed second in such a prestigious, national competition,” said Headmaster Neil Enright. “David is a particularly talented student. In 2010 he scored the highest mark in the country for his Geography GCSE and was awarded a prize by the Royal Geographical Society."
The judging panel for this year’s Economic Essay prize comprised Professor Richard Blundell from the RES, Charles Bean, Deputy Governor of the Bank of England and the BBC’s Stephanie Flanders who commented on the “high standard of entries this year”.Fellow Sixth-Former Akash Raja also reached the final with his essay about the economy of China.