The tough get going at CCF summer camp

QE’s senior Combined Cadet Force members experienced five days that tested their knowledge, skills and endurance at Exercise Endeavour – their summer camp in Lincolnshire.
Cadets from Year 10 and above headed to the Beckingham Camp training area, where the challenges came thick and fast. They took part in simulated attacks and ambushes, held compounds against attack, and were given an introduction to urban warfare.
There were challenges from the weather, too: during two nights and three days out on the terrain, they had to deal first with the cold and camping on wet ground, and then with very hot temperatures towards the end. The other two nights were spent in the site’s military accommodation.
Captain Richard Scally said: “The focus of the camp was on field training – on practising and assessing field craft and tactics, which involved boys applying skills they have gained during the year.
“It was a fully immersive experience for our cadets, who did very well, under the expert guidance and supervision of my colleagues.”
QE’s CCF was joined for the camp activities by the CCF from The John Warner School in Hoddesdon.
Also sharing the venue were personnel from RAF Cranwell and Lincolnshire Constabulary’s Armed Police Unit.
With days that began at 6am with the ‘reveille’ wake-up call and ended as late as midnight after evening activities, the camp was not only exciting, but tough and disciplined, too. Alongside the ‘recce patrols’, ‘preparation for battle’ and ‘platoon attack’ listed in the programme, there were also sessions dedicated to weapon-cleaning and administration.
It was not all hard work, however: there was an opportunity to relax at a movie night on the first evening.
QE is one of very few state schools to have its own CCF. Established in 1992, it is sponsored by the Corps of Royal Engineers, with the Regular Army providing support in training and administration.