A golden year for QE in national Mathematics contest

The School is celebrating its best-ever result in the UK Mathematics Trust’s Junior Maths Challenge.

Of the 299 boys from Years 7 and 8 who sat the challenge, 191, or 64%, were awarded gold certificates, compared to 134 last year. Five boys achieved a perfect score of 135 out of 135 – Guy Flint, Anshul Sajip, James Tan and Joshua Wong, of Year 8, and Rohan Battula, who is in Year 7.

A further 73 boys gained silver certificates and 25 received bronze certificates. In total, therefore, 289 QE boys – 97% of the contestants – were awarded certificates. Nationally, certificates are given to only the top 40% of students, with gold, silver and bronze certificates awarded in the ratio 1:2:3.

Across the country, around 1,200 of the highest scorers are invited to take part in the Junior Mathematical Olympiad. This year, this will include 33 boys – three times the total in 2015. A further 90 (57 in 2015) have qualified for the challenge’s other follow-on round, the Junior Kangaroo.

Assistant Head of Mathematics Wendy Fung said: “We are delighted with how well the boys have done and look forward to the results of the Olympiad and Kangaroo.”