Articulate and engaging drama students praised

Four Year 11 boys have won arts awards for drama from an international examinations board.

Moderator Simon Smith praised Shiv Bakrania, Prashan Balendran, Rohan Devani and Roshan Shah for being “well-organised, articulate, coherent and engaging”. The four all gained a Silver Arts Award from Trinity College, London. The Arts Award scheme is managed by Trinity College in association with Arts Council England.

“It is refreshing to see young people reflecting on the leadership skills and qualities they have developed, in addition to concerning themselves with the practicalities of the challenge they have undertaken. Excellent! Well done everybody!” Mr Smith wrote.

In order to receive a silver award, participants have to complete an arts challenge, review arts events, research artists and arts organisations, and deliver an arts leadership project with other people.

Advised by the School’s Drama Co-ordinator, Elaine White, the boys put together a portfolio of their work for evaluation. As part of their challenge, Shiv, Prashan, Rohan and Roshan led the Harrisons’ House team, which won the House Drama competition. The starting point for the competition was H G Wells’ gothic tale, The Red Room (pictured). “The play delivered by Harrisons’ was exceptional,” said Mrs White. “The boys offered up a chilling tale of evil which captivated their audience.” They also ran the marketing campaign for Richard III, in the Shakespeare for Schools Festival.

""“This is the first cohort from QE to achieve the Silver level Arts Award,” added Mrs White. “The boys have worked hard and are to be congratulated on their achievement.”

Its mission is to support young people who wish to deepen their engagement with the arts, to build creative and leadership skills and to achieve a national qualification. Since its launch in 2005, it has become increasingly recognised by employers, universities as a qualification that shows young people’s level of commitment and progress in the arts, and in developing new skills. The silver award is equivalent to a GCSE.

The award is open to young people aged between 14 and 25 and the chosen challenge takes in the region of 60 hours of extra-curricular time to complete.