The Government has given Queen Elizabeth’s School its Sportsmark Award in recognition of the amount of sport played by its pupils.

The award from the Department for Children, Schools and Families celebrates the fact that “at least 90% of pupils do at least two hours’ high quality PE and sport a week”.

Headmaster Dr John Marincowitz welcomed the award and added: “Many of our boys, of course, exceed this significantly with their participation in the School’s extensive programme of extra-curricular sport.”

The School has received a certificate to mark the achievement and is also entitled to use the Sportsmark logo on its stationery.""

As a result of the award for QE, Barnet Central School Sport Partnership (of which QE is a member) qualified for the related Partnershipmark Award, since 96% of children in its schools are now participating in two or more hours’ sport a week.

The Sportsmark Award is awarded to secondary schools, with primary schools given the equivalent Activemark Award.