CSI Barnet! Cutting-edge technology for would-be crime fighters

Budding Sherlocks from seven local primary schools enjoyed the opportunity to use QE’s cutting-edge scientific equipment to unravel a murder mystery set up at the School.
More than 30 Year 5 & 6 pupils were invited to try their hand at forensic techniques to help them solve the ‘crime’.
In the scenario, QE Headmaster Neil Enright was the unfortunate victim, with clues pointing to a number of suspects, all members of the Science department.
At the start of the day the visitors were introduced to the crime scene. They were from: Martin Primary School, Livingstone Primary & Nursery School, Foulds, Trent CE Primary School, Church Hill Primary School, Woodridge Primary School and Northside Primary School
To unravel the whodunnit mystery, the children had to conduct a series of experiments, including hair-sample analysis using a microscope, blood-splatter analysis, fingerprint analysis and chromatography, which was employed to identify the pen used to write a threatening note to Mr Enright.
Most of the groups correctly solved the crime and, at the end of the day, were invited to give a presentation of their findings.
Physics teacher Gillian Deakin said: “Our visitors obviously enjoyed using the scientific equipment here, much of which is not readily available in primary schools. We chose Livingstone as overall winners as they gave an excellent presentation which evaluated very well the evidence they had.”
“We organised the day to engage pupils from local schools in different aspects of Science, as well as to encourage the visiting boys to apply to QE, having had a taste of what we offer. The visiting teachers said that they and their charges had all enjoyed the day and that they hoped to attend again next year,” added Miss Deakin.