Eight QE pupils among the country’s mathematical élite
Eight sixth-formers took part in the first round of this year’s British Mathematical Olympiad and thus rank among the UK’s leading mathematicians. The figure is double the total of last year’s qualifiers from QE.
One pupil, Yuta Tscuchiya, gained a certificate of distinction and a silver medal for the second year running, scoring 46 out of a possible 60, while Aneesh Chopada won a similar certificate, scoring 38. The remaining six were awarded certificates of qualification. Both Yuta and Aneesh qualified for the second round; if successful there, they will be invited to take part in training to represent the UK in the International Mathematical Olympiad.
Round 1 of the British Olympiad is the follow-on round open to the very top participants in the UK Mathematics Trust’s (UKMT) Senior Maths Challenge. It comprises six extended questions to be completed in three-and-a-half hours. Round 2 has four questions to be answered over the same time period.
The other high achievers in the Challenge qualify for the other follow-on round, the Senior Kangaroo. This year, ten QE boys took part in the Senior Kangaroo, a one-hour paper sat in School. The top 25% of entrants were awarded a Merit certificate, for which they needed a score of at least 55 out of 100. They included four QE boys: Sanchit Agrawal (55); Yuri Evdokimov (65); Oliver Robinson (70) and Nikhil Shah (65).
All the Senior Kangaroo questions required three-digit answers (using leading zeros where necessary) entered on to a machine-readable sheet. As a machine-marked competition that was not multiple-choice, it was the first competition of its kind to be organised by the UKMT.
Assistant Head of Mathematics Wendy Fung passed on her warmest congratulations to all the students participating in the Olympiad and Kangaroo and gave her best wishes to Yuta and Aneesh for their next round.