First prize in national journalism competition

A QE Sixth-Former has won a national award for financial journalism.

Year 13 pupil Sahil Suleman’s article examining the growing problems that young people face in getting on to the property ladder won him the ifs Young Financial Journalist Award and a cash prize of £150.

Alison Pask, ifs University College’s Vice Principal – Financial Capability & Community Outreach, wrote to QE’s Head of Economics Liane Ryan, to offer her congratulations. The competition judge, David Budworth, was impressed at the way “Sahil focused on the question and answered it logically, drawing on expert opinion and facts to back up his argument.” Mr Budworth is an award-winning freelance personal finance journalist and columnist and the former Deputy Money Editor of The Times.

Sahil’s 1,000-word essay, entitled Generation Homeless, was written in answer to the question What is the biggest financial challenge your generation will face?

His fellow Year 13 pupil, Akshay Ruparelia, also reached the final shortlist of just six students.

Ms Ryan, who organised QE’s participation in the competition, congratulated both boys.

ifs University College was founded in 1879 as the Institute of Bankers and has continued to take a leading role in professional education in financial services ever since.