Football tournament helps charity achieve its goals

Two Year 7 boys organised a five-a-side football inter-house tournament for charity. Kiran Modi, of 7B, and Rushil Sajip, of 7H, raised £457.26 for Save the Children, which was presented to two representatives from the charity during assembly: Sam Hale, Head of the Central Office, and Jean Gooch, secretary of the Harrow branch.

Both commended the two boys for organising the event and praised their classmates for supporting it.

During the assembly, the boys heard a presentation on life in other parts of the world. They learnt that 10% of the world’s population does not have access to clean drinking water, and that the deadliest creature on the planet, in terms of lives lost, is the mosquito.

They were told that 82% of their donations will go directly to helping people both abroad and in the UK, with the remaining 18% used for encouraging similar charity events and promoting Save the Children.

The winning A and B teams were both from Pearce House.