Boys joining Year 7 in September and their families were invited to special induction sessions designed to introduce them to the School.
The induction sessions took place over three afternoons, with two form groups accommodated each afternoon. The carefully tailored programme began with a series of short talks in the Main Hall.
Headmaster Neil Enright gave a general introduction. Head of Year 7 Michael Taylor, who is also Assistant Head in charge of Transition and Head of Lower School, gave guidance on making a successful transition to secondary school. And then his fellow Assistant Head, Business Manager Emi Aghdiran, spoke on how technology and the efficient use of administration can help parents and boys settle in and get the most out of School life.
School Captain and Sixth-Former Varun Vassanth spoke about his time at the School, while a number of current Year 7 boys recounted what it was like to change schools last year and gave their highlights of their first year at QE.
The boys were led out of the Main Hall by Year 12 pupils who were helping for the day. They were taken in their form groups into classrooms, where they enjoyed an ice-breaking quiz devised to help them find other future classmates with whom they had things in common.
After this, the Year 12 boys took their young charges on a tour of the School, and, as they walked, the new boys’ powers of observation were put to the test by a written quiz. It featured questions such as: ‘What subject is taught in the room opposite CR2?’ and ‘Who is the Head of English?’
Parents and boys then met up again in the Main Hall, where they had the opportunity to chat with the Headmaster and other staff over refreshments. These were served by representatives of the Friends of Queen Elizabeth’s, who were also on hand to answer any questions about volunteering for the School. The School Shop was open so that families could be signed up for uniform fittings.
The Headmaster said afterwards: “I enjoyed meeting our new families and welcoming them to the School. They seemed to enjoy the afternoons, with the boys in particular seizing the opportunity to find out more both about QE and their future classmates.”