Honouring the fallen, 100 years after the Somme

QE’s Combined Cadet Force turned out on parade for Remembrance Sunday in Barnet and also helped mark Armistice Day at the School.

The contingent joined veterans, reservists, representatives of the Armed Forces and other cadet forces for the commemorations, parading along the High Street to High Barnet War Memorial. At the memorial, Cadet Under Officer Janith Peiris, the School’s most senior cadet, laid a wreath on behalf of QE’s CCF.

""The Mayor of Barnet, Councillor David Longstaff, said in a speech to the parade: “It is important that we never forget the sacrifice made by so many in the service of our country. Remembrance Sunday is the time to pause and reflect on the profound debt we owe those who have given their lives in the two world wars and recent conflicts, and to think of their families.

“This year’s commemorations have added poignancy: 100 years since the Battle of the Somme, where 419 people from the Barnet area lost their lives.”

Speaking afterwards, School Staff Instructor Charlie Maud-Munro said: “It was once again really an honour to take the boys on the parade.”

""On Armistice Day, 11th November, as has become customary, the whole School joined together, along with the Chairman of Governors, Barrie Martin, for an act of remembrance. Year 10 boy Tristan Boldy sounded the Last Post. The two-minute silence was also observed in all classrooms.

Finally, the School’s cadets were taking part in a remembrance service on Monday 14th November.