Old Elizabethan elected President of Cambridge University Students’ Union
Rahul Mansigani (1999-2006) has enjoyed a high-profile year in his role as Cambridge University Students’ Union (CUSU) President.
He was elected for the 2010-11 academic year after a decisive election victory, gaining 1,403 votes – an 11% majority over rival candidate Beccy Talmy.
During his term of office, he has spoken out on issues including education cuts and the tripling of student tuition fees, with media appearances including BBC’s Newsnight and Sky News. He also publicly applauded news recently that the university is to invest in a new sports centre, following a CUSU campaign for improved facilities.
Rahul who is also a former Junior Common Room President at Robinson College, Cambridge, left QE with 4 A grades at A-level in 2006 in Economics, English Literature, German and History.
He participated widely in many areas of School life, from debating to drama. In the Sixth Form he was involved in the peer mentoring scheme, helping younger members of the School. He held responsibilities as a Senior Prefect and helped organise the Elizabethan Review. He read Law at Cambridge.
The CUSU President provides representation for Cambridge students to the University, the National Union of Students and local and national government. The position is one of CUSU’s ‘sabbaticals’ – paid employees who are elected annually by students to work full-time for the union.
He told Varsity newspaper at the time of his election: “I really hope to develop CUSU into a more relevant, connected union, and will be putting all my effort into making sure that we’re there to actively support JCRs, MCRs [middle common rooms] and individual students, as well as putting pressure on the University on issues like the Sports Centre, rents and Access."