QE boy achieves national top mark in Geography for second year running
Geographers at Queen Elizabeth’s School achieved outstanding results in a special A level paper sat by the country’s most able students.
The Welsh Joint Examination Committee examinations board has just announced that last year’s School Captain, Matthew Rose (pictured at the School’s Senior Awards’ ceremony), achieved the top mark in the country for the Geography Advanced Extension Award (AEA) – the second consecutive year in which a QE boy has achieved this feat.
Four of Matthew’s classmates in the 2008-09 Upper Sixth also achieved AEA success: Barclay Ballard, Eren Kilich and Aaron Levitt gained distinctions, while Theepan Saravanapavan was awarded a merit.
“Matthew is an outstanding geographer. He worked hard in the Sixth Form and has always shown a wider interest in geographical issues beyond the curriculum and in the news. He fully deserves this success,” said Anne Flook, Head of Geography.
“The AEA is a challenging paper which requires students to engage with complex contemporary issues and think synoptically across the discipline,” Miss Flook added.
Matthew has now taken up a place at Clare College, Cambridge, to read Geography.