Queen Elizabeth’s School tops national Government league tables
Queen Elizabeth’s School tops the new Government league tables for its 2014 GCSE results and is also ranked among the very best performers across the country at A-level.
QE takes first place among all English state and independent schools for its Key Stage 4 results, with 100% of boys gaining the benchmark five A*-C GCSE grades including English and Mathematics and 99% achieving the English Baccalaureate. The respective national average figures across all schools are 53.4% and 22.9%. (The English Baccalaureate measures the percentage of pupils gaining A*-C grades in English, Mathematics, Science a language and a humanities subject).
When those schools with the 100% benchmark figure are instead ranked according to the average point score per pupil, QE is in fifth place and is the highest-placed school in London.
At A-level, QE comes 10th overall (and is the third-placed state school) when judged by the proportion of pupils (76%) gaining at least grades AAB in the list of ‘facilitating subjects’ drawn up by the Russell Group of leading universities. Facilitating subjects are defined as those which are more frequently required for entry to degree courses than others.
When judged by the average point score per A-level entry, QE’s figure of 269.0 places it in joint 13th place for all schools and in second place among state schools.
Headmaster Neil Enright said: “The league tables include a number of different Government measures, and individual journalists have selected different measures to interpret the data. However, the overall picture is clear: QE is among the very highest performers nationally at both Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5.
“Our 2014 results reflect great credit both on our boys and on their teachers, with the highest levels of achievement being maintained once again, notwithstanding the volatility introduced into the public examination system by a number of changes at national level.”