Rising stars: Junior Awards Ceremony recognises shining examples of achievement and service

& lt;p> More than 100 prizes and awards were given to boys from QE’s first three years in the 2017 Junior Awards Ceremony.

Headmaster Neil Enright told the audience of prize-winners, parents, staff and VIP guests: “This event, alongside our Senior Awards Ceremony in March, gives us the opportunity to recognise those who have most excelled and most served; whose aptitude and attitude has marked them as being the best among their peers this year.”

The prizes include not only many for academic achievement and extra-curricular activities, but also several awards for commitment and service. The prizes were awarded this year by Guest of Honour and old boy Prashant Raval (OE 2003–2010).

""Held in the School Hall, the ceremony is a formal event punctuated by performances from the School’s musicians, but afterwards there are opportunities for parents to relax and chat with teachers as they take tea outside at the front of the School.

""The VIP party included: the Representative Deputy Lieutenant of the London Borough of Barnet (and former QE parent), Martin Russell, and the Former Mayor and Mayoress of the Barnet, Cllr David Longstaff and Gillian Griffiths, representing the current Mayor, Cllr Brian Salinger, who was unable to attend.

""In his speech, the Headmaster had words of advice for the boys to ensure they continued their early success: “Even when you face difficulties, I would encourage you to persevere – not just in what you have to do, but in what you are passionate about; your interests and hobbies.

""“Do ask for help – to borrow from and misquote J.K. Rowling’s Professor Dumbledore, a far more famous Headmaster than I, ‘Help at QE will always be given to those who ask for it’. But, at the same time, I would also ask you to try and retain your conviction to give things a go.”

""Mr Enright also introduced Prashant, who, after leaving QE, took a First in Economics at University College London and then worked initially as an analyst with UBS Investment Bank. After that, he became a Senior Commercial Manager for Aston Villa Football Club, before taking up his present senior post in Operations for Uber.

“It is rare that someone of Prashant’s age has enjoyed such a varied career to date,” said the Headmaster. “He tells me that Uber is a very exciting place to work, full of talented young people in jeans and trainers – so rather like QE, but with jeans and trainers!”

""In his own speech, Prashant stressed the importance of hard work and preparation and of savouring achievements when they come. But, recalling that he had been “quite the perfectionist” while a pupil himself, he gave the young award-winners some advice: “What I’ve realised, alas, is that in the real world, it is nigh-on impossible to achieve 100% in everything, all of the time, and you will make mistakes along the way. Don’t be afraid of these mistakes – instead, embrace them as opportunities to learn.”

""The vote of thanks was given by Year 7 prize-winner, Dylan Domb.

The musical interludes began with a processional piece, Inspire Us, O Lord, composed by Year 12 pupils Abbas Adejonwo and Alfie Clarke and conducted by Alfie.

""After each year group’s awards, the respective Music prize-winner performed. Year 7 viola player Jao-Yong Tsai performed Bonporti’s Lamentevole from Invenzione Sesta, Movement 1. Pianist Shivas Patel, of Year 8, played two of Béla Bartók’s Romanian Folk Dances and Year 9 cellist Karan performed Bach’s Prelude from Suite no.1 in G major.

The ceremony ended with a recessional, Victorioso, composed by Mark Thomas and Joshua Wong, both of Year 12, and conducted by Mark.