Sports Day 2014: remarkable feats of physical endeavour

This year’s Sports Day saw hundreds of boys compete in glorious weather, making it a real high point in the School’s calendar.

Sports Day continues to grow: the programme for track alone included no fewer than 53 separate events, ranging from the Year 7 100m races to the Year 9 & 10 triathlon.

All boys in Years 7-10 took part in at least one event, competing for their houses in sports including tug-of-war, Eton fives, tennis and table tennis, as well as track & field.

""Headmaster Neil Enright said: “My congratulations go to all the boys and staff for all their contributions to making Sports Day such a success. I especially congratulate Broughton, to which I was delighted to present the cup after an admirable house performance.”

Sports Day was organised by PE teacher Nicholas Bird. “The day ran very smoothly thanks to the support and goodwill of all of the members of staff and, of course, to the hard work of my colleagues in the PE department,” he said. “It was good to see more colleagues than ever volunteering for the staff team in the QE Mile.

""“Whilst there were too many highlights to mention, a particular mention should go to the house rowing competition, during which each house managed to row a staggering 25km in two hours. This really is a remarkable achievement of physical endeavour!”