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Traffic and travel

Traffic and travel

We appreciate that, for various reasons, some families will need to drive their sons to and from School. We are keen to keep our boys and other pedestrians safe, and to be good neighbours, too. All drivers are, therefore, strongly requested to read the following important traffic and travel dos & don’ts.

Please do:

  • Park only where it is safe and legal to do so. Do not park on double-yellow lines, over local residents’ drives, in resident permit bays or those reserved for those with disabilities. Ensure that your vehicle is not causing an obstruction or reducing visibility at a junction.
  • Consider parking further away from the School, where it is less congested, and message your son so he knows where to walk and meet you.
  • Be aware of your speed. The roads and pavements can get very busy at peak times, with many people looking to cross the road. Care is required to reduce the chance of an accident occurring.
  • Ensure that all local residents are treated with the respect and courtesy they deserve, appreciating the challenges that those driving to and from the School can present for them.

Please do not:

  • Leave engines idling when parked for any length of time. This generates pollution and negatively impacts air quality surrounding the School.
  • Stop on the yellow zig-zag markings outside the main gate, or attempt to use the gate to turn your vehicle around.
  • Use the end of Queens Road as a turning circle – this is dangerous for other drivers and pedestrians.

We know that most within the Elizabethan community already abide fully with these requests and serve as great and valued ambassadors for the School within both the immediate area and in the wider community. However, it is incumbent upon everyone to minimise the risks to others associated with travel to and from School and to act considerately to each other, our neighbours and members of the public at large.

Please note that the local Controlled parking Zone (CPZ) has been expanded to include Elizabeth Close and Regina Close. These roads are now for those with residents’ permits only.