Economics competition successes

A QE boy has won a financial journalism writing competition for the second year in a row.


Nikhil Shah’s essay took the top prize in the 17-19 age category of The London Institute of Banking & Finance’s Young Financial Journalist of the Year competition, mirroring the achievement last year of Sahil Suleman, who is now in Year 13. Nikhil was one of four QE competition finalists this year, with fellow Year 12 pupils Nikhil Khetani, Karnan Sembian and Chaoxuan Ouyang also short-listed.


As well as these individual successes, QE has also achieved team success in the Student Investor Challenge. Four Year 11 boys – Bashmy Basheer, Akshat Sharma, Mipham Samten and John Tan – were firstly selected from around 10,000 teams to go forward to a semi-final.  There, they emerged in 19th place out of the 500 teams competing.


Head of Economics Liane Ryan said: “I congratulate all the boys involved in these two competitions. Nikhil’s victory was a fantastic achievement. And the team in the Student Investor contest did very well indeed: I have high hopes for them over the next couple of years in the Sixth Form.”


The journalism competition was judged by Steph McGovern (pictured), BBC Breakfast presenter and financial journalist, who described Nikhil’s essay as “a piece with personality and a solid understanding of the financial challenges young people face, a really nicely structured article”.


Nikhil won a prize of £150 for his essay entitled How will financial education help me meet the financial challen ges I will face throughout my life?